Pure Water Window Cleaning
Pure Water is water which has been treated to remove any dissolved solids particles from the water. Tap water is full of these contaminates, which stop you being able to wash with water alone without leaving marks, spots and smears etc.
Believe it or not, but water from the tap these days in not “Pure Water”, but is full of impurities. The level of these impurities vary from region to region, and here in Suffolk our tap water is very 'hard' compared to many other parts of the country. This hardness of the water equates to high mineral content, usually in the form of calcium. I process tap water, causing a de-ionisation process, which removes the dissolved solids. The resulting purified water give us 2 important benefits, with regard to cleaning windows:
The water is now much better at removing dirt from your windows
The water has no contaminates to leave any residue on your windows afterwards.
At home, I have a jug water filter from a well known company. I use this to purify the water that we drink in the house to improve taste etc. The filter jug uses the latest and best cartridge system from the manufacturer, yet still has more contaminates in the finished water than I use for cleaning windows. So, when I say that I use Pure Water for cleaning windows, I really do mean ‘pure’ – even purer than filtered water from this popular household drinking water jug filter system, and much purer that your tap water!